Latest Projects

Posted Wednesday, September 4, 2013 in Old JamesCMS Posts

Doing lots of Powershell projects latetly. The first is a heavily forked version of Alan Renouf's vCheck-vSphere called sCheck. What I'm doing here is generalizing the html reporting functionality of vCheck into a “System Check” powershell script. I'm working on catagorizing plugins, creating a plugin update/download method and making plugins that can run as jobs.

Another Powershell'ish project is AutoBot. This is a chatbot that can execute powershell scripts. I've made some modifications so I can execute long running jobs as scheduled tasks and feed the data back to the bot periodically. I've also wrote a suite of scripts to tackle some of my common tasks which I want to execute when away from a particular system.

Lastly, I'm doing some testing with ModSecurity in IIS. I've noticed some issues with ASP.NET MVC's AntiForgeryTokens when ModSecurity is enabled even in DetectOnly mode. Still pretty usefull for getting a little more piece of mind when deploying some third party web apps that haven't gotten a full review.